
Why I Chose Yoga as a Career Despite the Competition (And Why You Should Too)

yoga as a career

In a world where there are countless amazing instructors to choose from, you might wonder why I decided to join as well. (Maybe it’s just the tiny voice of judgment in my head, but whatever, here we are.) With so many talented yogis out there, what could I possibly bring to the table? Well, let me share my story with you, and maybe you’ll see why I chose yoga as a career and why it means so much to me.

My Struggle with Mental Health

Like many others, I found myself caught in the whirlwind of corporate life. For three years, I dedicated myself to my job, striving to fit in and prove my worth. However, behind the scenes, I was battling anxiety and depression. Tiny panic attacks became a regular part of my workday, chipping away at my confidence and mental health. The constant pressure and imposter syndrome left me feeling inadequate, and despite my efforts, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wasn’t enough.

The Turning Point

It reached a point where my mental health was severely impacted, and I knew something had to change. I began exploring yoga and meditation as a way to find some peace and relief from the constant stress. What started as a few minutes of practice each day soon became my sanctuary. Yoga and meditation were more than just physical exercises; they were my lifeline.

The pivotal moment came when I realized I couldn’t continue down the corporate path. While my peers were thriving in start-ups and corporate jobs, I felt a growing disconnect. It wasn’t just about the job—it was about my well-being and happiness. I knew I had to follow a different path, one that resonated with my soul.

Embracing My True Path

Where I don’t really care about perfect posing just for the sake of a photo.🥲

Leaving the corporate world was not an easy decision. There were moments of doubt and fear, and I often wished I could bear the stress like everyone else around me. But deep down, I knew I had to listen to my inner voice. The transformation from “I wish I could fit in” to “I got to go my own way” was challenging but liberating.

With the support of my incredible friends and family, I took the leap of faith. I decided to dedicate myself fully to yoga and meditation, not just as a personal practice but as a career. The overwhelming sense of freedom and purpose I felt reaffirmed that I was on the right path.

Why Yoga?

You might wonder, with so many yoga instructors out there, what makes my journey special? Here’s why I chose yoga and why I believe it can make a difference:

  1. Personal Experience: I’ve been where many of you might be right now—struggling with mental health and looking for a way out. My journey from anxiety and depression to inner peace gives me a unique perspective and a deep understanding of what it takes to heal.
  2. Authenticity: My practice is rooted in genuine experience. Every class, every meditation session I lead is infused with the lessons I’ve learned and the compassion I’ve developed through my struggles. I’m not just expressing my love of yoga; I’m sharing a path to wellness that saved me.
  3. Empathy and Support: Knowing the power of support, I aim to create a community where everyone feels welcomed and understood. Whether you’re dealing with stress, self-doubt, or seeking a sense of belonging, my goal is to offer a safe space for you to grow and heal.
  4. Holistic Approach: I combine the physical aspects of yoga with mindfulness and meditation, providing a holistic approach to well-being. It’s not just about the poses; it’s about nurturing the mind, body, and spirit.
  5. Commitment to Growth: My journey is ongoing, and I’m committed to learning and growing alongside my students. Every challenge and triumph in my life adds depth to my teaching, making it relatable and impactful.

Conclusion of Yoga as a Career

Choosing yoga as my career wasn’t just about finding a job; it was about finding my purpose. In a world with so many yoga options, I believe my story and experiences bring a unique and valuable perspective. Yoga helped me overcome some of the darkest times in my life, and now, I’m passionate about helping others find their own path to healing and happiness.

At Yoga Awaken, I share my research and knowledge with all-level of yogis whether you are newbie or experienced, young or elder. You’ll find answers to your questions, learn new perspectives of yoga & meditation and shop your favorite yoga clothings and accessories. We express our gratitude, inspiration and knowledge with each other.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. If you’re on a similar journey or just starting out, know that you’re not alone. Let’s embark on this path together, embracing the power of yoga and meditation to transform our lives.

Follow me on Instagram for more yoga, meditation, mental health contents. Here I’m building a strong tribe where we feel connected, understood and inspire each other.

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Nice to meet you and hope we see each other again soon. Namaste. 🌿✨