

irem about

Hello, beautiful soul! I’m Irem, and I’m so glad you’re here!

You have your own reasons for being curious and searching for more information about yoga, mindfulness, and meditation, which has brought us together.

My yoga journey began when I struggled with anxiety and depression right after graduating with a degree in philosophy.

I was already confused and unsure about my next steps in my career and my way of living life, so to speak. As if that confusion and uncertainty weren’t enough, we were hit by the COVID pandemic, and my anxiety and uncertainty in my life climbed to levels I had never experienced before.

The Healing Power of Yoga

In my darkest times, I turned to an old friend from my college extracurricular activities – yoga. Alongside meditation and mindfulness, yoga became my sanctuary, helping me navigate through my struggles.

These practices not only helped me heal mentally but also gave me the courage to face my avoidant tendencies and start the journey of self-acceptance.

I remember the time when I first started therapy, and one of the first things I said was, “I can’t start the day without meditation and yoga. When I don’t do these, I give extreme reactions, for example, I have a crying fit or I can become very aggressive towards my family. I think it’s not healthy for me to be so dependent on yoga and meditation.”

During that time, I certainly needed medication to feel normal. But being dependent on yoga and meditation was the healthiest approach I could take, and I wasn’t even aware of it. I thought I was being dependent, while my only aim was feeling normal again.

The Corporate: A Lesson in Balance

After graduation, I ventured into the corporate world, where I spent three years learning, growing, and understanding the need for balance and self-care in a high-stress environment. This experience sharpened my resolve to seek a life that was true to my inner calling.

Embracing My Path: Embodying Yoga

The call to return to yoga and share its transformative power was undeniable. Leaving the corporate life behind, I embraced yoga professionally, driven by a mission to show others struggling in life that there is hope and healing in these ancient practices.

Our Community: A Place of Healing and Hope

Now, as a yoga enthusiast and mental health advocate, I invite you to join me on this journey. Whether you’re facing mental health challenges, seeking self-connection, or curious about yoga’s transformative potential, you’re welcome here. Together, let’s explore, heal, and grow. πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ’›

“You are worthy of being discovered. All you need to do is take the first step; then everything will fall into place, and you’ll be mesmerized.”